Effigy Goals

It’s funny how we try and theoretically build the perfect life for ourselves – it’s funny because that never exists, or you know what, for the sake of this example, let’s humor the possibility that it does. If it does exist, it exists for us at a moment in time – while we share a lot with our past selves and future selves – and why I believe “knowing ourselves” is a thing (not to be carried away) – we are different moment-to-moment if we live a dynamic life. And what that means, to live a dynamic life, is simply to act-first. We can theorize until our death, but fortune, and misfortune, favors the bold. Fortunately, most misfortune is not lethal, and often transforms into fortune with enough time and buffer into hindsight. Whether it works, whether it doesn’t, as long as we don’t kill ourselves (or even if we do), wouldn’t we have rather gone through the thick of it than play it safe, and remain unchanged, unmolded? The ridges, the nuance – they’re so valuable, they make us ..us. This perfect image is smooth, characterless, undefined, concept-only. The truth is that a life is the ridges – a series of ridges – objectively judged as “good” or “bad” but really living in the neutral. These ridges are what ultimately comprise the deepness of lives – real shit. So, how does this tie into today’s topic? It means to relentlessly pursue your short-term goals. It’s completely antagonistic advice to the blanket statements, but the truth is that each day, each step, each moment, is completely unique – each situation. And while you can try to ignore the present to chase an idealogical future, I promise you that this will get you nowhere; all we have is the present, and ignoring it is quite literally wasting your life. Who knows – doing so might present to you a whole ‘nother reality that you care about so much more. Stop living in this imaginary mental space – make decisions for the moment, make decisions that truly vibe with you – I promise you that you will emerge stronger, more stable, and more comfortable. But you must go through the thick of it in order to have a striking chance.

And what else.. Pursue it all. All of your short-term things. Pursue them all. Stop policing yourself. Do what you care about. Unrestrict the restrictions. Simply live for the now. Anything beyond it is fake. Make plans, do things you care about. In the moment. It’s like trying clothes on – you know if you like it, yet we so often pick things that we know we don’t like – and we bring it home with us, and let it plague our closets, until we forcefully and regrettably donate it to Salvation army. Let’s not let our life be those clothes. Music is the heartbeat of our life – without music that invariably pushes us to dance, we don’t really have anything. Fuck the gurus – you are you, and you know deeply who you are, so “fuck it, send it” – no shit, keep your options open, play around.

Sure, you can tailor yourself into something, or you can just amplify you – the first will lead to something really strong / the latter will lead to something uniquely beautiful.

And this brings me to the “SA | FE ” goals, and the goals. Focus on the latter – the former are simply effigees – they mean nothing. you and your goals are actually you ; don’t dilute yourself for effigy goals – live you // you can live a whole life playing it safe – set your heart on fire and actually move it. Appreciate the nuance of multitudes

These are the “beginning goals” – they’re the ones that you just do to prove that you can.

Then, you simply move to uniquely yours – and you push them – that’s the transition – fuck it, keep riding the bullshit goals that you like, but also have a level of depth, a floor – that’s yours ; that you own.

I’m currently at a position where I’ve proven myself – and I will continue to, naturally – but it’s also time for me to pursue voraciously my own self. No fear – a life full of mistakes is a life worth living.

You’re allowed to be wrong.