Coax yourself thru

There are going to be times where the body and mind calls for rest. Allow that in mindful moderation. Be gentle with yourself as you console and relieve yourself simultaneously, of all duties. Recognize the minuteness of the moment in the macro, and simultaneously recognize the importance of the lubrication. The coaxing produces tangible rewards. Coaxing yields wonders, and creates wonders. WIth coaxing, we break down the grease and lubricate the joints. The wheels flow smoothly again, sustainedly, they feel recharged. Coax yourself because you have a lifelong relationship with yourself. It’s the most loving, beautiful relationship, maybe even of them all (?) Coax yourself because no matter what in this world, you will never give up on yourself because of the depth to which you love yourself. No matter what, you have a relationship with yourself; it’s one of unconditional love and nurturing. It is so primal and yet so transcendent; it is the essence of a relationship. It’s divine